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Astrology Birth Chart Reading
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Private Astrology Consultations 

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human experience" - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

People become interested in astrology for different reasons... Some crave to know what the future holds. Some look for solutions in a difficult situation. Others try to understand why certain things always happen only to them, and seemingly not to others. Every one of these questions can be answered on a multitude of levels, from casual to psychological to spiritual. 


We all want to live a meaningful life, and hoping fulfill our destiny. But our quest on Earth is roughly predetermined by a unique mixture of planetary energies in our system, which called our Cosmic Signature. It is deeply imprinted in our mind, containing all information about our mental patterns, emotional constitution, and potential pathways for growth. Our ultimate quest in life is to uncover our "True Self", an authentic soul quality which is free from outer influences and conditioning. A Cosmic Signature helps to find a key to every door and a direction on every turn, to follow the path that is truly ours. This difficult path leads through many rocky roads. But the greatest secret is, that we are not just thrown into this life empty handed. Every one of us has been awarded a special Gift.


Your "Gift" is a special quality which is unique only to you - maybe not in the whole world, but definitely among many, many others. Maybe your talent is to be able to calm down anxious people. Maybe it’s your great leadership style. Or you can notice beauty in something ordinary, and share it with the world. Maybe you can brilliantly uplift others with your good humor (Remember “Bruce Almighty”? Great movie. Bruce was angry, trying hard to run after someone else's idea of success, ignorant to his own precious Gift. And then, the God pulled him up, and told him....)  The truth is, that everyone is  born with a divine “spark”, and it's needed right now a world, to be found, treasured, and shared. 


Vedic Astrology lightens up our path. It's an amazing sphere of knowledge and a divine science, allowing us to gain deep insights, and reveal a mystery layer by layer, down to the very heart. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to share it with you.



“The dice of God are always loaded.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Find out the meaning of events that are happening right now in your life. Is your fate to accept what comes, or you have a free will? How to make the best of the situation?


Vedic astrology system helps to answer these  questions, and offers a glimpse into soul's path after we were born into this world...


Your Karmic Blueprint

Your current karmic cycles and their effect

Sometimes we feel like we are going through an endless "black stripe", wondering if it ever ends. Or, it could feel like a "nice white stripe", but things are taking a weird turn...


On which leg of your journey you are right now? An ancient Vimshottari Dasha system holds the answers...

Gift Certificates

"We Do Not Attract What We Want, But What We Are" - James Allen

A Gift of an astrology reading session is a great way to make someone feel special! 


You will receive a beautifully designed digital image of the certificate. 


- Certificates never expire! -

Dazzling Light

Express Answer Line

Receive a brief answer to the point, without paying for a full reading.

Take advantage of this service to receive an answer to you question without booking a consultation. In many situations, a full chart reading or a long talk with astrologer is not that crucial. Ask a specific question, and a brief response will be delivered to you by email in the next day or so. 

Astronomical Clock


Custom-Built Astrological Reports.

Authentic astrological reports hand-crafted by astrologer, based on individual analysis of your birth chart. We would never think of using automatically generated content in our reports, because every person is a complex alloy of influencing forces, resulted in unique personality and life path and unique cosmic signature, which is laid out in the chart for you. Prepare to be amazed!


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Kindly use this form to ask any questions or request a reading. I will respond within reasonable time and provide further instructions.

If you requesting a reading, please provide your birth details.

Please describe your question and any info that you think would be helpful for exploring the topic.

Readings are done by phone and take from 30 min to an hour. If you prefer reading over Skype, Discord or other network media, please provide your contact info as well.


`* May stars be with you!

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About Me

My Journey to Astrology

I was fascinated with astrology as long as I can remember. I think my passion was fueled by persistent belief that we live in a very wise and conscious Universe, which simply can not give you question without an answer. Like in school textbook, somewhere on the last page, the answer always (should be!!) there! And also, if your intention is true, there’s always a “good teacher” (in any form) that helps you.


I remember vividly one episode that greatly reinforced that feeling in me. Back in my home country (Urkaine) and still being a university student, I was trying to get into my first astrology course. I had really no money for it, but I knew that I just need to attend it, and that I need to find 25 “hryvnias” until tomorrow. I walked past small shoe store on the street, and wandered into it without particular reason. Right away I saw a pair of nice children’s boots, and my thought was: “these boots seem more expensive than they cost in this store”. I never was in sales business before, but I had a feeling that I might take a chance to sell them in the flea market for higher price. So I bought the boots and took them right away to the market. It was late afternoon, and the marked was empty, only couple of merchants were wrapping up their counters. So I bravely walked up to one woman and asked her if she would buy a boots from me for resale. Immediately she liked the idea, and named me the price - what would you think? - exactly 25 hryvnias higher than I paid for them! So I remember being little foggy, when I was walking away with the money in my hands just enough to pay for my 3-day astrology course.  


That is why Vedic System resonated with me instantly. In Vedic Cosmology, which includes Ayurveda, Yoga, Astrology and other branches of knowledge, all matter in the world is permeated with consciousness. Everything evolves. Everything has a reason and a purpose. Everything unfolds into an intricate pattern, ever repeating, but beautiful and unique every day…


I remember when I was as a child, I did not want to talk “bad” about clothes on the store hangers, or to kick a tree trunk, because I felt that even inanimate objects or plants still might be “hurt”. Maybe in early years of life we still possess some fragments of sacred knowledge? According to the Rishis, even stones have some inert memory on very low level.


After settling in Canada, I studied astrology with R​obin Armstrong through his school R​​A​SA​​ School of Astrology, and later with Sam Geppy at American Academy of Vedic Art and Science. I loved that both these school teaches a very grounded,  no-nonsense approach to chart reading. Vedic Astrology works with planetary cycles, and each cycle opens in our life a new chapter, bringing experiences of a new kind. And whether we are happy with this new experience, or it descends on us in the form of a sudden wake up call, change is inevitable and it forces us to make a choice.


Sidereal operation is not exactly quiet and peaceful "clockwork nirvana". We live intensely through our experiences. We often get entangled in dread of fears, self-doubts and subjected to outer influences. But the good news is, that even while the planets can predetermine events that happen to us, they don't make decisions for us! It’s up to us to choose an action based on the best awareness we have at the moment. How beautiful is it to have this freedom!


The underlying principle of Vedic Astrology is called "Sanatana Dharma". It states that every experience in physical world brings us one step closer to discovery of our True Self. True Self is a Vedic term for our pure creative identity, which in itself contains the pattern for our growth. When freed from external influences and false perceptions, this identity would guide us towards fulfillment.


I wish you an exciting life journey!


Your Passionate Astrologer,

Ludmilla Bogucharska,

Toronto, Ontario.



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