Ludmilla BogucharskaJan 17, 20222 min2022 Forecast for PiscesCareer and Finances This year your own main planet Jupiter is visiting your 1st house, boosting your confidence and professional image....
Ludmilla BogucharskaJan 17, 20222 min2022 Forecast for AquariusCareer and Finances This year Jupiter is dwelling in 2nd house, and aspecting 6th and 10th houses – therefore it is offering support for...
Ludmilla BogucharskaJan 17, 20222 min2022 Forecast for CapricornCareer and Finances Jupiter will be aspecting your 7th and 11th houses this year, which would give you some valuable opportunities to...
Ludmilla BogucharskaJan 17, 20222 min2022 Forecast for SagittariusCareer and Finances Rahu is travelling through your 5th house this year, and it means that your talents and creativity can be...
Ludmilla BogucharskaJan 16, 20222 min2022 Forecast for ScorpioCareer and Finances This year, Jupiter will be in your 5th house, aspecting 9th and 1st houses – the “Dharma” triangle in your chart. It...
Ludmilla BogucharskaJan 16, 20222 min2022 Forecast for LibraCareer and Finances Jupiter will travel through your in 6th house this year, helping you to enhance your art of choosing battles wisely....
Ludmilla BogucharskaJan 16, 20222 min2022 Forecast for VirgoCareer and Finances Jupiter is in your 7th house this year, bringing opportunities for new partnerships and collaborations. This is a...
Ludmilla BogucharskaJan 16, 20222 min2022 Forecast for LeoCareer and Finances Saturn is in your 6th house for the second year in a row, which will help you to master that healthy cooled down...
Ludmilla BogucharskaJan 16, 20222 min2022 Forecast for CancerCareer and Finances This could be the year when your career could go through complete overhaul, or will take some unexpected course. Rahu...
Ludmilla BogucharskaJan 16, 20222 min2022 Forecast for GeminiCareer and Finances Jupiter will be powerful in your 10th house in Pisces this year. There will be opportunities for career growth,...
Ludmilla BogucharskaJan 16, 20222 min2022 Forecast for TaurusCareer and Finances This year, Saturn will be casting an aspect on your 11th house of earned income and ambitions, which may pressure you...