Career and Finances
Rahu is travelling through your 5th house this year, and it means that your talents and creativity can be rediscovered from some unexpected angle. It may require a lot of work, but the reward will be sizeable. Just keep in mind that Rahu can impose too much of materialistic motivation, but for the true creativity money id only a by-product.
Jupiter will be in your 4th house of home and properties, so you may expand or improve this area, to the extent which your natal chart allows.
Saturn will continue browse in your 2nd house, testing the integrity of your financial habits. It will keep you on your toes, to make sure that you taking things seriously.
Romance and Relationships
This year, the shadow planet Rahu will transit through your 5th house of love and creativity. Rahu brings new and unusual things to your live. You may find some unconventional outlets for your creative power. Your love life will be also amplified in unexpected ways. You could become enchanted with something or someone way outside of your comfort zone. Strong Jupiter in your 4th house would help you maintain emotional stability, and will help to reconcile your feelings. This is not a good year to make important decisions about relationships.
Benefic planet Jupiter goes over your 4th house this year, aspecting 8th and 12th houses of your “spiritual” triangle. So you may find that you are happy to spend time in your own company, in quiet inner observation, or at the spiritual retreat.
Health and Wellness
Expect to be a little unconventional this year. Rahu will be travelling through your house of creativity this year, so you may discover new uncharted territories to explore for your personal and creative growth. You would feel that you need to withdraw for some time from public affairs and invest some time in yourself. There could be some new change related to your children as well. Saturn in your 2nd house this year will bring your attention to your spending and eating habits, and to taking care of your home and inner emotional space. Jupiter will be also supporting your areas of inner development, 4th, 8th and and 12th houses. It will be a good year to spend in natural remote areas, feeling your unity with all around you, or meditation.